How To Make a list of keywords For Your Online Business 

Creating a dedicated website for your business marks a crucial milestone in your entrepreneurial journey. This platform opens up a universe of marketing and sales opportunities, and one of the key ways to unlock these opportunities is by harnessing the power of keywords. 

The right keyword optimization strategy can significantly boost your website’s visibility and sales. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the ins and outs to make a list of keywords for your online business, and how to effectively incorporate these keywords into your website. 

We’ll share actionable tips and strategies to help you bolster your online presence and drive traffic to your site. Let’s embark on this SEO exploration!

Why To Make A List of Keywords Is Important 

The online world is driven by searches, and the engine behind these searches is keywords, or more accurately, keyword phrases. These are the terms people input when seeking information online. Google and other search engines base their page recommendations on the relevance of these phrases. 

Therefore, to ensure the right people find your website, you need to weave into your content keywords that resonate with their needs and interests. For instance, if you own an online fitness club, phrases like “how to lose weight” can help draw in your target audience. Effective keyword research helps you identify phrases that your target audience uses, thus boosting your website’s traffic.

Understanding The Different Types Of Keywords 

Before delving into keyword research, it’s crucial to understand that not all keywords are created equal. They come in different types, each with unique focuses and use cases.

  • Short-tail keywords: They comprise three words or less and cast a broad net, but they are highly competitive. For example, if you own an online fitness membership site, short-tail keywords could be ‘trail running,’ ‘fitness classes,’ or ‘online coaching.’ 
  • Long-tail keywords: These on the other hand, are more specific and consist of more than three words. Although fewer people search for these terms, they are less competitive and more closely aligned with your business. Some examples include ‘best fitness coaching sites for women,’ ‘advanced fitness classes for seniors,’ or ‘online coaching for weight loss.’
  • Fresh keywords: These trend in real-time due to current events, while evergreen keywords maintain their relevance over time. For instance, ‘flash sales for online fitness classes today’ would be considered a fresh keyword, whereas ‘calories burned per hour walking’ is an evergreen keyword.
How To Make a list of keywords For Your Online Business  1
  • Product-defining keywords: They describe specific products or services, and while their search volume might be low, they often result in high conversion rates. Examples include ‘cross-training shoe laces’ and ‘standing computer desk.’ 
  • Customer-defining keywords: They aim to draw in a specific audience. If you’re targeting overweight students or fitness enthusiasts, for instance, those would be your customer-defining keywords. 
  • Geo keywords: These target a specific location. So, if you’re offering fitness coaching in Chicago, then that’s your geo keyword.

Understanding the intent behind a keyword is also crucial. The intent could be informational, navigational, or transactional, and it’s wise to choose keywords for your site that align with these intents.

Considering Your Target Audience And Niche

How To Make a list of keywords For Your Online Business  2

Understanding your audience is the foundation of an effective make a list of keywords. A deep understanding of your audience helps predict their search behavior and the intent behind their searches.

The first step in this process is identifying your target audience. This involves studying your business niche, researching your competitors, and make a list of keywords analyzing your existing customers. 

A useful method for collecting data is running a research and development (R&D) survey. While hiring a specialized organization can be expensive, small businesses and startups can benefit from form builder plugins like WPForms or Formidable Forms.

Armed with the data, you can create a buyer persona, a detailed representation of your ideal customer. This persona helps you make a list of keywords build a potent keyword list, attracting those most likely to patronize your business.

Using The Right Keyword Research Tools  

With your audience clearly defined, the next step is identifying the most effective keywords to reach them. Several SEO tools can facilitate this process, but three out-of-the-box tools that stand out are Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, and Keywords Everywhere.

How To Make a list of keywords For Your Online Business  3

Google Keyword Planner offers essential features that provide top-level accuracy and data directly from Google. Google Trends enables you to make a list of keywords & identify trending keywords on platforms like YouTube and provides long-term trend statistics, ideal for your evergreen keywords. Keywords Everywhere offers keyword data from eBay and Amazon, with useful integrations for Chrome and Firefox.

For websites built on WordPress, a range of SEO plugins can help find and use keywords effectively.

Brainstorming Keyword Ideas And Refining Your List 

Once your audience and tools are in place, the next stage is compiling make a list of keywords. Let’s look at how to do this using Keywords Everywhere as an example.

After installing the extension, visit a competitor’s website and analyze a popular page or product. The “Analyze Page” tool provides a list of exportable keywords. You can filter these keywords to find the best matches. Repeat this process with as many competitor sites as you wish, then use a tool like Keyword Planner to identify overlooked keywords.

Incorporating Your Keywords Into Your Website 

After assembling make a list of keywords, the next step is incorporating these keywords into your web content. Each focus keyword should ideally have its own page to avoid competition between your own pages. Also, avoid “keyword stuffing,” which is the excessive use of a keyword to the point of sounding unnatural.

Aim for between three and six keywords per page, and be strategic about where you place them. For instance, product pages have different keyword requirements than non-sales areas. Tools like Yoast or RankMath can guide you in finding the optimal placement for your make a list of keywords.


If your business website isn’t generating the desired traffic and revenue, strategically Make A Keyword List can improve your rankings and boost sales. Crafting and incorporating make a list of keywords into your website might seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and strategies, it’s a straightforward process. 

With a keen understanding of your audience’s needs and the right keyword optimization strategy, you can significantly enhance your online presence. So, start harnessing the power of keywords and elevate your online business to new heights!

You can also read: Content-Centric SEO

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