The Impact Of Technology On Writing: Pros And Cons Of Automated Writing Tools

Impact of technology on writing our daily lives, and with each passing day, people constantly realize how much they depend on it. It has made our life smoother, including complicated aspects like website building, maintaining a webpage, writing content, understanding SEO, etc .

In recent years, the market has been seeing a rising bar with the development of automated writing tools used by various organizations. These tools automate the mundane task of maintaining content, which is often a job of a professional content writer. 

What Difference Has Automated Writing Technology Made?

A master in the writing profession understands their responsibilities well, including maintaining authenticity and delivering plagiarism-free, creative content for various web spaces. Automatic writing uses machine learning algorithms that help a writer produce automated content for blog posts, email writing, social media posts, advertising, etc. 

With the introduction of AI into the field, automated writing tools have taken a leap forward. AI-operated writing tools can be used to assess the content and place it in a competitive space, enhancing it in some way. To survive the content competition, there is a dire need to understand how automated writing works and the pros and cons of opting for software technology. 

Impact of technology on writing : Pros

Automated writing tools

AI is changing the trajectory of the entire industrial market. It has been a companion to newly developed small business enterprises and has helped many companies build their brand image. An impact of technology on writing estimate by a forum says that Artificial Intelligence—the most advanced gift of technologization—is all set to break the $500 billion market by 2024.

It has been observed that market trends are using AI for day-to-day aspects like personalization, advertisement enhancement, building a brand image, etc. Your company can benefit from AI-activated writing tools in many ways, such as:

Automated Writing Tools Save Time

With technology, the time-saving aspect is the most significant benefit. Especially when it comes to content, there are impossibly close deadlines involving extensive research. Content impact of technology on writing becoming the central figure of a company’s brand value, it has become increasingly important to quickly produce high-quality, readable content. 

An effective way to catch up with the looming deadlines involving content is AI automated writing tools which help you build high-quality, user-friendly content in minutes. These tools often cover mundane tasks like SEO, copywriting, content planning, keyword analysis, etc. Impact of technology on writing with the saved time, writers can focus more on creating creative content for higher brand awareness. 

Generate Interesting Ideas

A human writer may sometimes face writer’s block, but automated software always comes to the rescue. This robotically operating software is installed with technology that can instantly produce creative content ideas for your website. Impact of technology on writing getting ideas from automated writing tools involves a simple process like uploading the link to your website to get new content ideas. Click Here

Better Content Quality

With the introduction of IT in the world of SEO and related jobs, companies are made to rethink how they look at content. AI tools can perform all-in-one tasks, including generating ideas, writing content, checking for mistakes, and SEO.

AI can predict what you are going to write and can give you better suggestions in the way of writing. With faster content in high-quality language and structure, companies find producing more content in short periods easier. 

Cons Of Automated Writing Tools

Technologically advanced software comes with its benefits, but there is a flip side to the coin. Impact of technology on writing AI writing tools have several disadvantages despite being helpful. Some of them are:

It Makes Errors

However perfect the tool may be, it will make one or the other error in impact of technology on writing. AI tools commit simple errors like punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, tenses, etc. Reviewing the whole content again to correct the errors is difficult. 

Over Dependence on Algorithms

Algorithms like SEO play a significant role in developing high-quality website content, but there are other factors. Professional writers know impact of technology on writing what it takes to write efficient content for a website and how to deliver error-free, user-friendly content which suits both the reader and the algorithm. 

Lacks Human Ideas

No matter how smart the software gets, its content will always lack human sentiment. Humans have an expansive knowledge base in various fields, while AI can only do what it is set to do. Using automated software to impact of technology on writing create innovative content across various aspects becomes limiting. 

How To Choose The Right Automated Writing Tool?

automated writing tools

The process of finding the right automated software is not fixed. It depends on the requirements of a business organization and can be customized accordingly. When you want to find impact of technology on writing the right tool, you need to understand several factors that influence your choice:

Type of content 

This includes choosing from among various content types like email content, website content, etc.


The frequency of content is a major factor. Choosing the right AI content tool depends on how often you need the content. Different tools offer to work at impact of technology on writing different frequencies, and it depends on your need, and which one you choose. 


Selecting an AI tool varies with the quality of work you require. If you require basic social media posts, you may be content with simple software. But if your need is high-quality, well-researched SEO-based articles, you would have to opt for an advanced version. 

Target Audience 

Your choice of software is again defined by your target audience. If the audience impact of technology on writing is technologically advanced and is able to understand the jargon, you should have to select a different software from what you select when you cater to an unlearned audience. 


It matters what you want to spend on software. An overwhelming choice is available in the market, which caters to almost every budget need, making impact of technology on writing it easy for many business organizations to choose a suitable software. 

If you are focusing on algorithm-based content, you should opt for SEO writing tools that help with keyword search and content optimization. You can choose vibrant content-producing technology if you want user-friendly readable content. 

Examples Of Automated Writing Tools

Many firms have stepped in with their software, and a thousand software, by number, are available in the market. The basics of AI-automated software generally remain the same, while there may be minor differences in task performance and efficiency. Some examples of automated writing tools are as follows:


Copysmith is an all-in-one copywriting software generally used by business firms looking for marketing and sales-related content. 

Copy AI

Copy AI is an automated, robotically automated writing tool providing extensive content, from social media posts to lengthy marketing-based content. It has an algorithm mechanism that considers SEO and produces useful content.  

Jasper AI

Earlier known as Jarvis AI, this is a long-content format application using AI technology to produce readable content on any given topic. The major advantage of this software is an in-built plagiarism checker, which reduces the job of rechecking the content. 

Frase IO

This automated writing software astounds the world because of its combined ability to research and write. It solves the algorithm chart for various keywords and then searches the topic. 

These are some of the many brands that are available in the automated content writing service. You can choose among them wisely as per your requirements. 

Alternatives To Automated Writing Tools

automated writing tools

Automatic writing has come far in technologically advanced business enterprises, but it is only sustainable to use the software for some of your content requirements. Finding alternatives to build a sustainable webspace and deliver the right content becomes urgent. You can look for alternatives like:

Content Writing Services

There are many firms providing content writing services. They hire professional content writers who help with curating SEO-friendly content. 

Freelance Copywriters

Many people are stepping foot into this newly-established content industry. You can find expert copywriters and employ them for your content job. 

Marketing Agencies

Before content was developed as a separate field, marketing agencies used to handle this field. However, you can still look for marketing agencies that provide high-quality content services. 


To conclude, you need to understand why automatic writing tools are becoming the new trend globally. Content has become a significant part of the image-building and growth of any business enterprise, and delivering the right quantity of content is the new aim of every firm. Using AI saves a lot of time in terms of money and effort.

Quick Links: How To Write A Content Brief 

From big names to small enterprises, every firm is trying to explore the new possibilities of content building and SEO content writing with automated technology. It will help if you know that automated tools can assist you with several tasks but cannot do the entire writing job. If you are a writer who relies heavily on technology impact of technology on writing to help you get your work done, be aware of the potential consequences of relying too much on technology. 


  1. Is automated writing an efficient choice for my business firm?

Yes, because automated software can make the content writer’s mundane tasks of editing, copywriting, SEO analysis, etc., easy. However, you can only partially depend on it for part of the content needs. It is definitely an efficient choice if used in a limited manner for some small tasks. 

  1. Which software should I buy?

It depends on your requirements and pricing strategies about which one you should buy. The choice is influenced by various factors such as frequency of content, content needs, type of content, etc. 

  1. What are some good brands to consider?

With an overwhelming choice of AI-operated writing tools, it often takes time to choose the right one. Some high-quality software is Copy AI, Copysmith, Jasper AI, Rytrr, AI, ClosersCopy, etc. 

  1. How much does an AI cost?

Well, the cost of the software depends on the tasks performed by it. Generally, the cost is between $10 to $1000, depending on your chosen plan. For example, for Copysmith, the monthly plan costs $19.

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Hi, I am the founder of Wordscloud and TheMarketerSoftware. Prior to starting my own business, I worked as an application developer for a well-known tech company. However, my true passion lies in online business, which is why I decided to pursue it as a career.

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